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Proven Motorized Focus Solutions for Every Budget
2020 Lower Prices on nFOCUS and nSTEP kits
Savings of over $20 on nFOCUS kits and over $100 on nSTEP kits are just a click away!

Available for
AstroTech, Celestron, Feathertouch
, Stellarvue, Televue and more!

Control your nFOCUS from
your PC or MAC


Available for AstroTech, Celestron, Feathertouch, Stellarvue, Televue and more!
Controls your STEPPER from your PC or MAC

Several new companies have recently gotten into the focus motor business in the last two years offering ALL-IN-ONE kits at competitive prices.

We at Rigel Systems believe that our "MODULAR" approach with nFOCUS and nSTEP kits, 9 years of demonstrated expeience in the field, and proven customer satisfaction proves is still the best value. Below is a toe-to-toe comparision between our "modular" systems and the "All-in-One" systems which illustrates why Rigel Systems remains the leader.

Rigel Systems 

Easy repair or replacement  of just the failed component, affordable upgrade path to more nSTEP features and online firmware improvements.


if any individual component -- electronic, firmware, stepper -- fails the whole unit must be returned to the manufacturer for repair/replacement  in the home country
Since 2010 with over 1000 installs.
 Fully checked out for compatibility with the most advanced Autofocus software, including ASCOM and INDI drivers.
We are responsive to special user needs, such as higher resolution temperature measurements, custom bracket kits for one-of-a-kind and classic telescope focusers at no extra charge.
Tech Support
Prompt. Friendly, responsive via e-mail right here in USA with the owner Leon and the SW guru Gene, as well as via our online forum.

We've supported many remote customers in the field as far away as Chile and Australia on a time critical basis.
Online Forum, emails to Customer Support "Representatives" multiple time zones away.
usb-nSTEP basic (PC only) + Stepper
usb-nSTEP wi wifi & buttons + Stepper
$220 - $270 ... AND UP!
Stepper Resolution
Gear coupling of stepper to focus shaft providesup to 9,600 steps per revolution in full step mode and 19,200 in half step mode to supply the very fine focus movement required for fast telescopes and camera lenses.
Limited by shaft coupling to 5760 steps per revolution
12V DC Power For Stepper
usb to 12V power cable included FREE lets you use any spare USB phone wall charger or powered USB hub to supply 12V DC to the stepper.
Cigarette lighter adapter cable requiring compatible 12V DC power supply or AC to 12V DC Adapter at extra cost . 
Bracket Kit Ease of Installation.
Tailored to each focuser for ease of attatchment, each kit contains all the parts needed for each particular focuser.
Universal bracket, may require customer to  source additional parts to attach to focuser.
Adding More Scopes
User can add just a bracket and gear kit ($59.95) to a new telescope and move the stepper, or add bracket and stepper ($99.95) and just swap the usb-nSTEP between them.
controller/stepper/bracket & coupler are integrated, customer has to buy another full kit at full price for each and every telescope.
Temp Sensor
FREE  with full controller/stepper package, has its own dedicated port.  0.5 degree C resolution per measurement, can be customized by firmware upgrade  to 0.1 degree C upon special request.
shares socket with wired hand controller  so cannot use both at same time.
Manual Focusing with focuser knobs
Gear coupled stepper easily declutched for use of coarse and fine focus knobs.
Coarse focus knob removed for shaft coupled stepper prevents manual focusing
hand controller focusing
When usb-nSTEP basic is attached to pc, user can use a bluetooth/rf presentation pointer to command PC  wirelessly to change focus.
 Integrated two speed push buttons with independent manual speed control. Position kept in sync whether moved by  PC or push buttons. 
Wired separate hand controller  is extra cost  and shares same socket with temp sensor so cannot use both at same time.
 wifi  Focusing
 wifi provides full focusing control from Android or Apple phones and tablets.  Position kept in sync whether moved by  PC, phone, or push buttons. 
Standalone Operattion
Focus using wifi phone or integrated push buttons without PC

Focusing seems such a simple thing, just turn the knob until the image is sharp. What could be simpler than that?

Well if focusing is so easy why do all modern cameras, whether they be the camera in your phone or a digital SLR, have autofocus? Yet even with these marvel of modern camera technology, how many times does the photo look sharp in the camera but when you get it home and pop it up on your computer its blurry? Perhaps the light level was a bit too low? Were you hands shaking while you were shooting the picture? Was the subject of the photo moving? Were you using a telephoto lens?

Now just imagine trying to get it all correct in the dark for eye and camera with the ultimate telephoto lens. In other words; little light, high magnification, shaky hands, shaky telescope, spinning earth... what could possibly go wrong? In the following tutorial, we walk through all the disparate aspects of focusing, for both eye and camera, manual and autofocusing, to make it easier, faster, sharper.